
Sosialisasi Aplikasi Penilaian Prestasi Kerja Pegawai (AP2KP) dan KM 41 tahun 2021

  Balai Pengelola Transportasi Darat (BPTD) Wilayah XIV Provinsi Kalimantan Barat melaksanakan kegiatan sosialisasi Aplikasi Penilaian Prestasi Kerja Pegawai (AP2KP) dan KM 41 tahun 2021 tentang tata naskah dinas di hotel Maestro, Pontianak, 28-29 September 2022.  Kegiatan ini dibagi menjadi 2 bagian, yaitu Sosialisasi KM 41 tahun 2021 tentang tata naskah dinas pada hari pertama dan dilanjutkan dengan sosialisasi AP2KP pada keesokan harinya. Narasumber yang hadir dalam kegiatan sosialisasi Aplikasi Penilaian Prestasi Kerja Pegawai (AP2KP) dan KM 41 tahun 2021 tentang tata naskah dinas antara lain : Yulie Wulandari,A.MD.KP,S.E selaku ketua tim kelompok substansi administrasi perkantoran dan kearsipan sekretariat Direktorat Jendral Perhubungan Darat, Indro Dwinanto,A.Md selaku Penyusun Data Kepegawaian di Substansi SDM dan Organisasi Sekretariat Direktorat Jendral Perhubungan Darat dan Putri Sulistyowati,A.Md selaku Analis Kepegawaian Pelaksana di Substansi SDM dan Organisasi ...


Bus Asia/Biaramas is a bus company that has travel routes from Pontianak Entikong - PLBN Entikong - Borden Tebedu - Serian - Kuching, via ALBN Sei Ambawang and Kuching Sentral terminals.  T he buses provided are large non-economy buses (executive) as many as 6 units with a capacity of 41 (2-2). Ticket Booth at Terminal Sei Ambawang

Bus schedule pontianak to kuching

  Pontianak to Kuching West Kalimantan is a province in Indonesia, located on the island of Borneo, with the provincial capital of Pontianak. West Kalimantan is one of the provinces in Indonesia that borders with other countries, that is Sarawak, Malaysia. As a neighboring country, Malaysia is a favorite tourist destination to visit. The distance between Indonesia and Malaysia is about 331 Km or about 5 hours by bus and one of the buses that can be used is  Damri . Buses can be a cheap and convenient transportation option to use if you want to visit Malaysia. If you want to use the bus to Malaysia, you can go through Terminal ALBN Sei Ambawang. For a while, Damri depart  3 times a week   from Pontianak on  Monday ,  Wednesday ,  Friday  (Point to Point) and  Sunday  (Transit system). For more information you can visit  @ damripontianak   or contact person  +6281254206001/ 0561 7448859. To get more information about transpo...